Friday, June 18, 2010

Look who turned ONE!

On Saturday, June 5, I turned ONE year old!
My grandpa came over and gave me the most awesome present EVER. I love my new swing, Grandpa!

My Granny came to visit all the way from Oregon! She kept giving me presents and fussing over me (not that that's anything new).

My cake was so yummy, but I ate it very carefully because I wasn't sure what to think about the fact that my mom and dad were letting me get so messy!It ended up being a pretty good day, even though the grown-ups were taking my picture from the time I woke up until I had a bath in my Grammy's kitchen sink.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Baby Lauren,
    I had the most wonderful time celebrating your first birthday with you! You are so very special to your Granny and I love you so very, very much!

