Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010

It's days like today that I'm reminded of the long road my husband I have traveled to get to the point we're at today. I look at him with our beautiful girls and it's like, "Yes! We're finally there." It's like this is the way God intended it to be. For the first time in my life I'm in a relationship and I know with all my heart and soul that this is IT. This is what I've been searching for. This is FOREVER.

Happy Father's day to the man I love. You've done so much to earn this day. You are a wonderful father, husband, and friend. I love you!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Look who turned ONE!

On Saturday, June 5, I turned ONE year old!
My grandpa came over and gave me the most awesome present EVER. I love my new swing, Grandpa!

My Granny came to visit all the way from Oregon! She kept giving me presents and fussing over me (not that that's anything new).

My cake was so yummy, but I ate it very carefully because I wasn't sure what to think about the fact that my mom and dad were letting me get so messy!It ended up being a pretty good day, even though the grown-ups were taking my picture from the time I woke up until I had a bath in my Grammy's kitchen sink.

A visit to the Aquatic Center in Lake Havasu

On Thursday, June 17, we went to the Aquatic Center in Lake Havasu for some family fun. We were joined by our friends Dana and Skylar and our Aunt Michelle. The kids had so much fun in the wave pool. Lauren loved the little pool that was as warm as her bath water. She kept lying back and just floating there. Amy and Skylar had so much fun going down the giant water slide. They were so brave! I think we'll be back there many times this summer.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Amy's Pre-School Graduation

On Thursday, May 27, Amy had her graduation from Tiny T-Birds. There were 9 kids in her class who are going to Kindergarten this year. It was very cute. They had paper graduation hats and they sang a little song and then threw their hats in the air. I cried, of course. I hate to see the shape I'm in when it's 2023 and I'm attending her High School graduation.