Friday, July 2, 2010


Our Lauren's newest word is NO. This is the cute little face she makes every time she says it. She holds the lips for just a few seconds after. So cute.

Puppy Love

Not much to say on this one, other than awwwwww. Lauren loves our Fisher Dog. He's such a good boy!

Amy's new bed

Ever since our big girl moved into her new princess room (over a year ago), Daddy and I have talked about getting her a new bed. Her full sized bed was much too big for the room, leaving her little room to play. We finally got her a bed fit for a princess. Daddy put the whole thing together while she wasn't home. I went out and bought the new comforter, knowing that if I took her with me we'd never agree and I'd end up wanting to pull my hair out. When she came home, she went into her room and then came out saying, "It's perfect! My room is so beautiful...I feel like I'm going to cry." Well, that just makes it all worth it.

Cute outfit! (Granny made it)

I know, I're thinking our baby is cute enough already. Then our Granny has to go and make her the most beautifulest clothes on earth and she's just cute beyond words now. It's just not fair, I know.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010

It's days like today that I'm reminded of the long road my husband I have traveled to get to the point we're at today. I look at him with our beautiful girls and it's like, "Yes! We're finally there." It's like this is the way God intended it to be. For the first time in my life I'm in a relationship and I know with all my heart and soul that this is IT. This is what I've been searching for. This is FOREVER.

Happy Father's day to the man I love. You've done so much to earn this day. You are a wonderful father, husband, and friend. I love you!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Look who turned ONE!

On Saturday, June 5, I turned ONE year old!
My grandpa came over and gave me the most awesome present EVER. I love my new swing, Grandpa!

My Granny came to visit all the way from Oregon! She kept giving me presents and fussing over me (not that that's anything new).

My cake was so yummy, but I ate it very carefully because I wasn't sure what to think about the fact that my mom and dad were letting me get so messy!It ended up being a pretty good day, even though the grown-ups were taking my picture from the time I woke up until I had a bath in my Grammy's kitchen sink.

A visit to the Aquatic Center in Lake Havasu

On Thursday, June 17, we went to the Aquatic Center in Lake Havasu for some family fun. We were joined by our friends Dana and Skylar and our Aunt Michelle. The kids had so much fun in the wave pool. Lauren loved the little pool that was as warm as her bath water. She kept lying back and just floating there. Amy and Skylar had so much fun going down the giant water slide. They were so brave! I think we'll be back there many times this summer.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Amy's Pre-School Graduation

On Thursday, May 27, Amy had her graduation from Tiny T-Birds. There were 9 kids in her class who are going to Kindergarten this year. It was very cute. They had paper graduation hats and they sang a little song and then threw their hats in the air. I cried, of course. I hate to see the shape I'm in when it's 2023 and I'm attending her High School graduation.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Children's Museum, Las Vegas

On our Monday off of school for Memorial Day, we decided to go the the Lied Children's Museum in Las Vegas. Our first stop was a picnic. It was such a nice day, we could have just hung out at the park all day.

Lauren, Amy, Trishelle, and Kennedy

Amy and Trishelle loved playing with the bubbles, fixing cars, and shopping....But Amy's favorite by far was the hurricane tunnel. She endured winds of up to 75 MPH and went back for more!.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Lauren had her first taste of spaghetti tonight and she LOVED it, just like her momma. The bath afterward was fun too!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our Fun-filled Sunday

It's not easy to find matching dresses for a baby and a 5 year old. I got these at Sam's Club over a month ago, but it's been cold and windy every time we have a chance to dress up. The girls wore them to church today, but were not very good about posing for a picture after a long day of church and then a birthday party at Scooter's.

You can see that Lauren did NOT want to be held still to have her picture taken. After all, she is on the go these days!

Amy wanted to make sure I got a picture of her new Hannah Montana tattoo that she got at her friend Hannah's birthday party today.

And look how happy Lauren is now that her sister isn't trying to trap her. So much happier just rolling around on the floor.

P.S. We love you Granny and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!!! xoxo

Our little "Dare Devil"

So, this is just one example of how Lauren is a "Dare Devil." She loves to climb on top of this little walker-car. She even stands on it with no hands! She won't venture out to take a step and start walking, but if there is something to climb, she's on it. Amy has one of those large step stools with two steps that she uses to help in the kitchen. If she leaves it out, Lauren will climb up to the top step. We have to be very careful!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Amy's ladybug

Amy found the cutest little ladybug outside today. She brought it in, put it in a jar, I poked holes in the lid, and she put grass in the jar (along with a piece of paper, just in case). Oh, and the best part is the name. She named it "Coco Head Monkey." Kids!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hubby has a way with words

Here is what Aaron posted as his facebook status today:
My brother goes off to war today, and troubled is my heart
For every soldier takes his family, at least a little part
I pray for safe return of course and wish him safe and sound
It's in a soldiers sacrifice that freedom can be found
Be safe brother. I love you.

Monday, April 19, 2010

It's hard to get a good picture...

when your baby does this every time you get the camera out.'s still pretty stinkin' CUTE! Love this baby!!!

Lauren gives kisses (sorta)

I've been working on kisses with Lauren and she has the sound down. She's so cute, she goes "muah" but then just opens her mouth as wide as she can when she comes toward you. Amy, Daddy, and I just crack up taking turns practicing kisses with her.

Grandma Amy

Over the weekend, Amy was playing dress up and pretending she was the Grandma. Such a cute picture! (And you just gotta love the lipstick!)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How big is Lauren???

Sooooo BIG! You just gotta love the tongue sticking out! I just love this baby so much!

Easter Day

On Easter Sunday, we dressed up in our prettiest clothes and went to church (which we really need to start doing every Sunday). Don't we look gorgeous?!? Gotta love Amy's sunglasses. She's such a diva.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Uncle Jeremy

We were so blessed to be able to see Jeremy before he heads off to Afghanistan. Makes me sad to think how much these girls are going to grow before they see him again. But, he's doing what he's meant to be doing and we'll be here thinking about him and praying for him every day. We love you Jeremy!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Uh oh!

Looks like our little monster has discovered where the kid's dishes are kept. This has become a new favorite game. It's called "Lauren makes a mess and Mommy cleans it up!" Fun for her.

Lovin' the smoothies!

A friend of mine from work says she makes smoothies every morning for her kids. She says it makes her feel good knowing they're getting a healthy start to the day. So, Amy and I have been giving it a try this week while we're on Spring Break. Yesterday we did raspberry and peaches. Today, we did banana and strawberries. That stuff in the jar might look like wheat germ, but it's actually "smoothie mix." This sounds much more appetizing to my big five-year-old girl. :)

Easter egg hunt

Yesterday (3/31) was the annual Easter egg hunt at Mohave High School. Amy had so much fun getting her face painted, coloring Easter pictures, seeing the Easter Bunny, and finally hunting for eggs. The entire football field was covered in colored eggs, which were filled with candy. The kids had that field cleared in a matter of minutes. I wish I had video of how excited Lauren (who was strapped to my tummy) got when the kids started running after the eggs. She was jumping up and down and kicking her feet. All in all, it was a great morning to hunt for Easter eggs.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Passed out!

I gave the girls a bath this evening and put Lauren in the jumper after getting her out. This keeps her from crawling on the bathroom floor and getting all wet. I left the room for about a minute to get Amy out and came back to find Lauren fast asleep in her jumper. I love how she's holding on with her little fingers. Of course, then I had to leave her in there for 10 minutes until her daddy got home to see her.