Friday, July 2, 2010


Our Lauren's newest word is NO. This is the cute little face she makes every time she says it. She holds the lips for just a few seconds after. So cute.

Puppy Love

Not much to say on this one, other than awwwwww. Lauren loves our Fisher Dog. He's such a good boy!

Amy's new bed

Ever since our big girl moved into her new princess room (over a year ago), Daddy and I have talked about getting her a new bed. Her full sized bed was much too big for the room, leaving her little room to play. We finally got her a bed fit for a princess. Daddy put the whole thing together while she wasn't home. I went out and bought the new comforter, knowing that if I took her with me we'd never agree and I'd end up wanting to pull my hair out. When she came home, she went into her room and then came out saying, "It's perfect! My room is so beautiful...I feel like I'm going to cry." Well, that just makes it all worth it.

Cute outfit! (Granny made it)

I know, I're thinking our baby is cute enough already. Then our Granny has to go and make her the most beautifulest clothes on earth and she's just cute beyond words now. It's just not fair, I know.